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Wood represents the element of growth and vitality. It is associated with the spring season and symbolizes ambition, flexibility, and creativity. 免费测试姓名 People who belong to the Wood element are often enthusiastic, sociable, and adaptive. They possess strong leadership skills and are determined to achieve their goals. They are like the tall and strong trees that can endure hardships yet continue to grow.


Fire represents passion, energy, and transformation. It is associated with the summer season and symbolizes warmth, enthusiasm, and assertiveness. People who possess the Fire element are often charismatic, outgoing, and fearless. They are driven by their passions and enjoy being in the spotlight. They are like flames that provide light and warmth, attracting others with their magnetic energy.


Earth represents stability, grounding, and nurturing. It is associated with the late summer season and symbolizes practicality, reliability, and patience. People who belong to the Earth element are often dependable, kind, and nurturing. They have a strong sense of responsibility and prioritize the well-being 宝宝起名字app哪个好 of others. They are like the solid ground that provides a stable foundation for growth and support.


Metal represents strength, discipline, and organization. It is associated with the autumn season and symbolizes precision, clarity, and determination. People who possess the Metal element are often logical, disciplined, and have a keen sense of detail. They are focused on achieving their goals and value order and structure. They are like refined metal that is shaped into useful tools, embodying strength and reliability.


Water represents fluidity, intuition, and adaptability. It is associated with the winter season and symbolizes wisdom, spirituality, and emotional depth. People who belong to the Water element are often intuitive, introspective, and calm. They have a deep understanding 宝宝起名字免费2024小名大全 of emotions and are adaptable to change. They are like flowing water that can navigate through obstacles, finding the most efficient path forward.





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